In the workplace, digital communication can be a challenge, especially when it comes to conveying the right message and maintaining professionalism. According to Brandon Smith, a therapist and career coach known as The Workplace Therapist, the biggest mistake in workplace communication is sending emotional emails. Smith emphasizes that it is important to avoid sending emails when feeling extremely emotional, as online communication should not be treated like a casual conversation. Instead, Smith advises to email in a manner that could potentially be read aloud in court.
When faced with an email or online message that triggers strong emotions, Smith suggests a different approach. Instead of responding immediately, take a moment to express your emotions in a separate document, allowing yourself to blow off steam without risking your professional reputation. Smith emphasizes that strong emotions can easily come across in written messages, potentially inflaming an issue rather than solving it. Before hitting send, it is also important to re-read your draft from the recipient’s perspective and consider potential areas of misinterpretation or emotional language.
If a prompt response is necessary, Smith recommends asking if the conversation can be continued offline. Research suggests that voice-based communication, such as phone calls, is more effective at building emotional connections compared to text-based communication. Smith emphasizes that face-to-face or voice-to-voice conversations are more productive and less likely to result in nasty or brutally honest exchanges, allowing for a more constructive resolution. Overall, it is crucial to approach workplace communication with thoughtfulness and consideration to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.