The painting reward in Baldur’s Gate 3 has left players feeling underwhelmed. Completing side quests in the game often results in material rewards, including gold, equipment, and unique items. One such reward is a painting from the artist Oskar Fevras, who becomes a slave when players first encounter him. They receive the painting as payment for exorcising a spirit from Oskar. However, players have expressed disappointment with the painting, as it randomly displays a party member each time it resets, rather than representing the player character or a favorite companion.
Players have taken to Reddit to voice their dissatisfaction with Oskar’s painting reward. They argue that it would be better if players could request Oskar to paint themselves or a chosen companion, allowing for an approval boost if given as a gift. Additionally, players hoped that the art would be acknowledged by party members, such as Astarion, but even when dropped directly at their feet, the characters take no notice. Another complaint is that the painting cannot be hung and is instead placed on the ground when taken out of the inventory, giving an unceremonious ending to a quest that spans three acts.
Overall, players feel that the painting reward in Baldur’s Gate 3 does not live up to their expectations, as it lacks personalization and interaction with the characters and cannot be displayed properly.