A parent shared on TikTok how a sleep trainer called Mella has become one of their best parenting hacks. The parent explained that their 2-year-old started waking up an hour earlier than usual, but after using Mella, the child learned to stay in bed until the device turned green. The parent added that Mella’s red and green lights made it easy for the child to understand when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to play, as they associate the colors with stoplights.
The parent highly recommends Mella as it fixed the child’s sleep problem quickly and efficiently. Mella not only helped the child stay in bed until the designated wake-up time but also eliminated any crying or complaints during the process. The parent mentioned that the child enjoys checking on Mella during the day to see if it’s asleep, highlighting the positive impact the sleep trainer has had on their family’s sleep routine. Additionally, Mella’s customizable night light feature allows users to choose from different colors to suit their preferences, making it a versatile and effective tool for parents looking to improve their child’s sleep habits.