Home Business Antitrust lawsuit accuses Apple of stifling competition in landmark case.

Antitrust lawsuit accuses Apple of stifling competition in landmark case.

Antitrust lawsuit accuses Apple of stifling competition in landmark case.

In a groundbreaking move, the Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple Inc., alleging that the tech giant engaged in anti-competitive behavior to create a monopoly in the smartphone market. The lawsuit claims that Apple used its app development rules, iPhone features, and hardware to stifle competition, maximize profits, and charge consumers higher prices. Along with the Justice Department, fifteen states and the District of Columbia joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs, accusing Apple of violating federal antitrust laws.

Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasized that Apple’s monopoly power in the smartphone market was not achieved through fair competition but by breaking the law. The complaint against Apple outlined how the company blocked the growth of “super apps,” disrupted messaging between Apple and non-Apple devices, and monopolized tap-to-pay functions on iPhones. These practices not only limited competition in the smartphone market but also affected other industries like financial services, gaming, social media, and entertainment, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit called for Apple to cease its anti-competitive activities and restore competitive conditions in affected markets. Apple responded by stating that the litigation threatens the company’s ability to innovate and sets a dangerous precedent by allowing government intervention in technology design. This lawsuit against Apple follows similar scrutiny faced by tech giants like Google, indicating a growing concern over monopolistic practices in the technology industry.

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