In an interview with The Independent, Apple CEO Tim Cook shared his enthusiasm for the upcoming Vision Pro headset and spatial computing. Cook described using the Vision Pro as an industry-defining “aha” moment that convinced him of the profound impact of spatial computing. Despite analysts’ doubts about the headset’s initial sales and cost, Cook remains optimistic about its future impact. Cook also mentioned his interactions with European app developers, expressing excitement about the work being done for the Vision Pro.
Set to be released in 2024, the Vision Pro headset will have a strong gaming focus, aligning with Apple’s commitment to gaming. The iPhone 15 Pro models, equipped with the A17 Pro chip, offer console-quality gaming capabilities, and Apple is collaborating with developers to bring console games to the devices. Cook emphasized that gaming is not just a hobby for Apple, but a serious focus. He believes that Apple is putting its full effort into gaming, as demonstrated by the Vision Pro and the gaming features of the iPhone 15 Pro models.
Overall, Cook’s interview highlights his personal conviction in the transformative potential of spatial computing and the Vision Pro headset. Despite the uncertainties surrounding its initial sales and cost, Cook remains confident about the headset’s future impact. His visit to Europe to meet with app developers also indicates the excitement and anticipation surrounding the Vision Pro and the development work being done for it. Additionally, Cook emphasizes Apple’s strong commitment to gaming, with the Vision Pro and the gaming capabilities of the iPhone 15 Pro models being key examples of the company’s serious focus on this market.