The upcoming OnePlus Open smartphone is rumored to be released in October, which aligns with the recent sighting of Indian actress Anushka Sharma with the device in late September. It is speculated that OnePlus intentionally leaked the phone by instructing Sharma to display it, resulting in an awkward pose that revealed both its external body and internal screen. This leak generated anticipation for the phone’s official unveiling and added to the competition in the folding phone market. However, it is suggested that OnePlus could improve its marketing strategies.
In an effort to build up marketing buzz before its release, OnePlus may have strategically provided the Open smartphone to Anushka Sharma, who showcased it to the paparazzi. The pose captured during this incident exposed not only the device’s external design but also its internal screen. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, this leak confirms that the phone exists in physical form and not just as digital renders. Videos and photos compiled by SlashLeaks provide clear visuals of the 6.3-inch OLED cover screen, the 7.8-inch OLED internal screen, and the camera array on the back side of the phone.
This staged leak has generated excitement for the official unveiling of the OnePlus Open smartphone, as it signals growing competition in the folding phone market. While first-generation folding phones like the Google Pixel Fold may face initial challenges, increased competition drives innovation and can lead to more affordable prices for consumers. While it is unclear whether this leak was a deliberate strategy by OnePlus, it is not uncommon for companies to adopt unconventional marketing tactics to promote their products. However, OnePlus may need to come up with more creative ideas to stand out in this competitive landscape.