Home Latest News Trump slams Biden, Dems, automakers in Detroit suburbs over electric vehicles

Trump slams Biden, Dems, automakers in Detroit suburbs over electric vehicles

Trump slams Biden, Dems, automakers in Detroit suburbs over electric vehicles

In a speech in the Detroit suburbs, former President Donald Trump criticized President Biden, Democrats, and the big three automakers for their support of electric cars. Speaking at a non-union auto parts manufacturer and supplier, Trump praised the work of auto workers and expressed his support for them. He accused automakers of being “stupid or gutless” for investing in electric cars that he believes are too expensive and don’t have enough range. Trump also blasted Biden’s record on auto manufacturing and workers, claiming that his policies were causing the industry to suffer.

During his speech, Trump addressed the United Auto Workers union members who were striking in 20 states, hoping that their leaders would endorse him. However, UAW leader Shawn Fain has expressed his negative views on Trump in an interview, stating that he doesn’t believe the former president cares about workers or the working class. Trump’s visit to Michigan was met with opposition from the Democratic National Committee, which set up anti-Trump billboards in Detroit and released a new ad attacking Trump as anti-union.

Trump has been consistently criticizing Biden’s support for electric vehicles, while Biden has taken steps to transition the country towards EVs, including reducing emissions, funding charging stations, and incentivizing the conversion of auto manufacturing facilities. Meanwhile, the second GOP presidential debate was taking place in California, with Trump’s Republican opponents participating. Despite not attending the debates, Trump’s poll numbers remain strong, and his decision to skip the debates has not affected his popularity among Republican voters.

In summary, Trump used his speech in the Detroit suburbs to criticize President Biden, Democrats, and automakers for their support of electric cars. He expressed his support for auto workers and accused automakers of making a mistake by investing in electric vehicles. Trump also attacked Biden’s record on auto manufacturing and workers. While Trump’s speech was met with opposition and his decision to skip the debates was criticized, his popularity among Republican voters remains high.

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